Carpal Tunnel Syndrome(CTS) is a medical disorder that produces numbness or weakness in the hand and fingers, or pain in the hand, wrist, and forearm. The symptoms may be mild at first and become progressively worse. The median nerve is a main nerve that runs through a person?s arm and into the hand. The median nerve as well as several tendons pass through a narrow passage in the wrist called the carpal tunnel. CTS can occur when these tendons swell and put pressure on the median nerve. The tendons can become swollen due to an injury or trauma, due to fluid retention associated with pregnancy, or due to diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, thyroid disease, and diabetes.
A person may be congenitally predisposed to Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (that is, it can be inherited) because the width of the carpal tunnel varies from person to person; a smaller carpal tunnel leaves less room for the median nerve and the tendons.This syndrome is more likely to be experienced by women, by Caucasians, and by people aged 45 to 60. This syndrome can be effectively treated by reducing the pressure on the median nerve. The pressure may be relieved by applying ice packs, performing stretching exercises, taking anti-inflammatory drugs, or changing one?s activities. Wearing a wrist splint may also be of benefit, though splints might only be worn at night since people often sleep with their wrists flexed. If the pressure on the median nerve is caused by an underlying disease, then that disease needs to be treated. More severe occurrences of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome may require injections directly into the wrist or surgery
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