Sunday, July 24, 2011

Primary Prevention of Prostate Cancer | Cancer Centre

Current information on risk factors for prostate cancer, suggests that some cases can be prevented. One possible risk factor that can be changed is diet. You can decrease your risk of prostate cancer by eating a diet low in fat and rich in vegetables, fruits and cereals.

The American Cancer Society recommends eating a variety of healthy foods, with emphasis on the plant, and limiting red meat intake, especially fat-containing or being processed. It is recommended to eat five or more servings of fruits and vegetables each day. Bread, cereals, Pruducts fiber, rice, pasta and vegetables are also recommended. These nutrition recommendations are also used to reduce the risk of other cancers and are reflected in the European code against cancer.

Tomatoes (raw, cooked or processed as in sauces and ketchup), citrus and watermelon are rich in lycopene. These vitamin-like substances are antioxidants that may help prevent DNA mutations and therefore decrease the risk of prostate cancer.

It seems that the vitamins and mineral supplements can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Some studies suggest that 50 milligrams (or 400 IU) of vitamin E daily may reduce the risk. However, other studies indicate that vitamin E is not beneficial. Reasonable doses of vitamin A do not produce significant side effects and is inexpensive. The mineral selenium may also lower the risk. On the other hand vitamin A supplementation according to the latest research can increase the risk. Anyway, you need to consume vitamin supplements with caution. It is more advisable richly varied diet with a predominance of plant foods than animal, which contain all these micronutrients and act positively and synergistically.
The SELECT trial (Selenium and Vitamin E Cancer Prevention Trial) is a large clinical trial designed to determine if these two supplements (vitamin E and selenium) can protect against prostate cancer. This study opened in 2001 and has recruited 32,000 men. Unfortunately, the results of this study are not available until 2013. This study is sponsored by the National Cancer Institute of the United States.

The ?Prostate Cancer Prevention Trial? is a clinical trial that has enrolled more than 18,000 men age 50 to determine the protective effect of a substance called finasteride, which may protect the prostate of male hormones and can reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Androgens are male hormones known to promote growth of both normal and cancerous prostate cells and may play an important role in the development of prostate cancer. This study (PCPT) was initiated 9 years ago to test the ability of finasteride to prevent prostate cancer development. Subjects were randomized to receive placebo or finasteride during this time. At the end of the study or at any time provided there was suspicion of cancer underwent prostate biopsy. Although the number of cancer cases was lower in subjects taking the drug, can not speak of success. Tumors, although less frequently, were more malignant in patients who received finasteride. The real goal of cancer prevention is not to reduce the number of cases but improved survival. However, the drug seems to get less than 25% but more aggressive tumors. The second problem is that the drug by blocking male sex hormones produces problems of impotence, decreased sexual desire and reduced ejaculation. Therefore finasteride get that fewer tumors, but not prevent it favors the emergence of that really matter: the aggressive claiming the lives of patients and on the other hand, sexual side effects of these men over a long period of years make the drug is not recommended, so we recommend taking finasteride to prevent prostate cancer.

It seems that non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs like aspirin and ibuprofen, taken daily are associated with a lower incidence of prostate cancer in men 60 years or more in some studies as published in Oncol Rep. 2000 Jan-Feb, 7 ( 1) :169-70.

As the exact cause of prostate cancer is unknown, we do not know if it is possible to prevent many cases of this disease. Many risk factors such as age, race or family history are out of this control.


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